Name: Cedric M. Charles
Pastor’s wife: Suzette L. Charles
Pastor’s Address: Seroe Colorado 301, San Nicolas, Aruba
Pastor’s phone: 011-297-568-3672
Pastor’s Education & Profession:
- Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry from University of the U.S. Virgin Islands,
- Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Polytechnic University of New York, USA
- Master of Divinity degree with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas, USA
- Graduate Certificate in Energy Policy and Engineering
- Certified HAZOP (Hazards and Operability) Facilitator
- Retired Refinery Chemical Engineering Consultant
Pastor’s wife’s Education & Profession:
- Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Tennessee Temple University in Tennessee, USA
- Retired Elementary school Teacher
Pastor’s Desire:
- Pastor Cedric desires that Christians “be filled with the knowledge of the LORD’s will, might walk worthy of the LORD, be strengthened with the LORD’s might” (See Colossians 1:9-12).
Pastor’s Conversion:
After 36 years of religion, Cedric Charles eventually repented of his sins and put his faith in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! The LORD used a loving wife and the patient love of a good man, George Richard, to carefully and lovingly respond to Cedric’s many questions, while Cedric and family worked and lived in Middle East. Cedric’s conversion, public confession of faith, and baptism took place at the Yokohama International Baptist Church in Yokohama, Japan in August 1988.
God’s Call to ministry:
In October 1996, Cedric Charles responded to the Lord’s call to ministry. It all began while Cedric was enrolled in the Discipleship Training course at Nassau Bay Baptist Church (NBBC of Houston, Texas, the Pastor’s home church). The course was entitled: “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby.
Cedric resigned his position as Manager of Process Engineering at the Coastal Corporation and enrolled in the Baptist seminary.
Pastor’s Ordination:
Upon recommendation of Pastor David Fannin in Houston, Cedric attended the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas, and graduated with his degree in Divinity. Cedric was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel at Nassau Bay Baptist Church (Houston, Texas) in July 2003. Pastor Dr. David Fannin presided over the ordination.
Pastor’s History:
Cedric Charles was born in March 1952 in Curacao to Stafford and Edris Charles. He moved to Dominica at the age of 7, finished elementary school at the Catholic school in Pointe Michel, Dominica, and high school at the St. Mary’s Academy in Roseau, Dominica. Cedric eventually moved to St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands) to join his father and the rest of the family; his father worked as a Refinery Operator at the Hess Oil Refinery (HESS) on St. Croix. The Charles’ family including Cedric eventually became naturalized American citizens.
Cedric met the beautiful Suzette Powell on St. Croix, and they eventually were married in August 1982 on St. Croix. Pastor Cedric and his wife Suzette Charles have two sons: Cedric A. Charles and Jason M. Charles. Both of Pastor Cedric and Suzette’s sons were married in Dallas, Texas in 2010, and have given Cedric and Suzette four (4) wonderful grandchildren.